Helping you find your financial truth



noun Latin [ ve·ri·tas ]

1. The truth
2. In accordance with fact

Photo of the Veritas Team

About Our Firm

For more than a decade, Veritas Financial has been providing comprehensive financial strategies and wealth management solutions to help our clients maximize and protect what they’ve worked so hard for. We named our firm after the Latin word for truth because that’s what everything we do revolves around. First and foremost, truth—and the trust that stems from it—is the foundation of our client service standards. We want to have lifelong relationships with our clients, so we are deeply committed to serving them with the honesty, integrity, and transparency they deserve.

We are also passionate about helping our clients understand the details of their own financial situation, a concept we refer to as their “financial truth”. Most people have a vague idea about their short and long-term financial goals, and they hope they’re on track to accomplish them, but they don’t really know for sure. Our goal is for everyone we work with to have complete clarity about where they are, where they’re trying to go, and what they need to do to get there. We want our clients to find their financial truth so they can have the peace of mind that comes from knowing, not hoping, that they’ve made the right decisions and are on the right path.

If you’re looking for a financial partner who will help you find your financial
truth and get you on the right track to your financial goals, we’d love to talk.